streda 22. augusta 2012

Fantastic four conquering Paris!

Sooooo.... right after our comeback home from the City of Lights I collected all the photos from all the cameras and started to think what I should post. We have more than 3000 photos (oh yes, we are crazy like that) so it was really difficult to choose. We decided that firstly we should inform you about what we did in Paris and what we saw. Each of us is very different and here is what we were doing most of the time. Can you guess what type of people are we from the following photos?

Táááááákže.... hneď po našom návrate z Mesta svetiel som pozbierala všetky fotky zo všetkých foťákov a začala rozmýšľať nad tým, čo postnúť. Máme viac než 3000 fotiek (áno, sme až také šibnuté), takže bolo veľmi ťažké vyberať. Rozhodli sme sa, že by sme vás najprv mali informovať o tom, čo sme robili v Paríži a čo sme videli. Sme veľmi odlišné a tu je to, čo sme robili väčšinu času. Dokážete uhádnuť z nasledujúcich fotiek, akými typmi ľudí sme?

But the most important thing is to introduce ourselves (I think the place doesn´t need more words :)). From the left it´s me (Borka), our friend Katka, Aneta and the other friend Dominika.

Ale najdôležitejšia vec je predstaviť sa (myslím, že miesto nepotrebuje ďalšie slová :)). Zľava som to ja (Borka), naša kamarátka Katka, Aneta a druhá kamoška Dominika.

Dominika was our photographer. She did almost all the photos we have from Paris (but we were bossing her around. Hardly! :D. Who can blame us? Everyone wants to have good photos. Especially from such a place as Paris.) The reason is simple - she had the single-lens reflex camera.

Who am I? - The artist.

Dominika bola naším fotografom. Urobila takmer všetky fotky, čo máme z Paríža (ale my sme ju kibicovali. Dosť! :D. Kto nás môže viniť? Každý chce mať dobré fotky. Hlavne z takého miesta, akým je Paríž.) Dôvod je jednoduchý - mala zrkadlovku.

Kto som? - Umelec.

And what did Aneta do? :D... veeeeeery difficult to guess. This was the process before almost every photo.

Who am I? - The model.

(Her reaction? - :DDDDDDDD)

A čo robila Aneta? :D... ťáááááááážké uhádnuť. Toto bol pravidelný proces pred takmer každou fotkou.

Kto som? - Modelka.

(Jej reakcia? - :DDDDDDDDD)

And this is me. I have spent all the trip looking into the map. But to be honest - sometimes it didn´t help at all.

Who am I? - The wiseman.

A toto som ja. Celý výlet som strávila čumením do mapy. Ale buďme úprimní - niekedy to vôbec nepomáhalo.

Kto som? - Mudrc.

The last participant, Katka. Oh, Katka... Always lost. Where did we find her every single time? Sitting on the nearest bench.

Who am I? - The buck-passer.

Posledný účastník, Katka. Ach, Katka... Vždy stratená. Ako sme ju našli každý jeden raz? Sediacu na najbližšej lavičke.

Kto som? - Lenivec.

We all ended like this:
(even the photographer - me) :D
This photo is worth a million dollars, right?

P.S. The model is very unhappy about this photo. :D

Všetky sme skončili takto (aj fotograf - ja) :D.
Táto fotka je hodná milióna dolárov, však?

P.S. Modelka je veľmi nešťastná ohľadom tejto fotky. :D

Bye, Borka
Ahojte, Borka

A small haul!

So after I spent some time in Italy and France in July, I finally had an opportunity to meet my friends from school (actually, EX-school since we already graduated. yay!). Kristina (who also just started blogging about fashion&beauty, you can check her blog HERE - the only problem is that she writes in our native language) is one of the very few people that I can talk to about fashion and make-up and such... So of course when we met for a drink we ended up shopping a little bit :D We found some pieces that we just had to buy - I mean... who doesn´t need sunglasses in the summer? And they were on sale! 

The first pair of sunglasses is from H&M (scored it for 3 euros!). Gotta say I love the cat eye trend even though I am not sure if it really suits me... :) 

The second pair is from Promod for 5 euros (Kristina and I so loved this sunglasses that we both bought them,  you´ll see some pictures, promise :) )

And final purchase - a basic skinny belt to cinch my waist. Bought in H&M for 5 euros. 

Kristina was working in Spain for a while and she brought me a little gift, gorgeous earrings. I really like them, they look quite vintage-y, don´t you think? I am actually surprised by how much I love them because normally I wear very subtle jewellery... well, there are always excpetions :) You will see them in action very soon.
Here we are, rocking our new sunglasses :) :D

pondelok 20. augusta 2012


I have to admit I love surprises. I am just that kind of person that really beams out of joy just hearing word ´surprise´. It doesn´t matter what it is, the most important part for me si the mystery that I am going to uncover. And look what I got in my mailbox - a promotional postcard sent from the USA. And sender? Meagan Spooner, author of Skylark. You can check all the details about Skylark HERE (be sure to read the summary, it looks cool) and about Meagan HERE. You know what was so epic about this giveaway? That everyone was winner!!! Everyone won at least this poscard and for a few lucky ones there were some bigger prizes. How awesome is that?!

Thank you so much Meagan!

Look at those colours, I love that purplish undertone :) 

And here is her autograph... This is my first author-signature ever and as I want to become an editor, you see how exciting is this for me :)